Wheelchair winner got rapid repair

The first Minnesota woman to cross the finish line was Jan Ettle of Freeport, fifth, with a time of 2:37:22. Ettle was inadvertently tripped at the 3-mile mark and injured her left Achilles’ tendon. She had been recovering from the flu and a cold and was disappointed in her showing. By finishing in top five, however, she earns a right to compete in next year’s World Cup marathon in Seoul, South Korea, site of the 1988 Olympics. [Bart Bardwell] decided to enter the Twin Cities Marathon four years ago and needed a training roll. Rather than slowly working up to the 26 www.carpaltunnel-cure.com/. 2 mile marathon distance, he chose a route from Rochester to Minneapolis – 75 miles. Bardwell’s chances for first place in yesterday’s wheelchair division almost disappeared a day before the race – with a wheel again the culprit. While driving a tractor at the Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch where he works, he got his right hand caught in a wheel, causing some nerve damage to his index finger. www.carpaltunnel-cure.com/ He didn’t know whether he’d be able to propel himself.

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