Surgeons reattach 5 severed fingers of factory worker

Rescue workers and fellow workers, including her sister, arrived at the hospital with the severed fingers wrapped in moist gauze, rubber gloves and ice cubes, according to [Lee Edstrom], chief surgeon in the hand and plastic surgery department. Severed limbs may be reattachable for up to 48 hours if kept on ice, up to…

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Padres Put an End to Streak, 1-0

In the eighth, Met third baseman Dave Magadan singled to left. [Winner Ed Whitson] struck out shortstop Bill Almon, then faced pinch-hitter Mookie Wilson, batting for Met starter and loser John Mitchell (0-1). Wilson hit a hard grounder to [Garry Templeton], who stepped on second and threw to first First-base umpire Dutch Rennert called…

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SPORTS PEOPLE; Surgery for Slaney LEAD: Mary Slaney, the distance-running star, underwent arthroscopic surgery on her right Achilles’ tendon yesterday, forcing her out of the Prefontaine Classic Saturday. She underwent surgery on the same tendon last November.

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Padres Put an End to Streak, 1-0

In the eighth, Met third baseman Dave Magadan singled to left. [Winner Ed Whitson] struck out shortstop Bill Almon, then faced pinch-hitter Mookie Wilson, batting for Met starter and loser John Mitchell (0-1). Wilson hit a hard grounder to [Garry Templeton], who stepped on second and threw to first. First-base umpire Dutch Rennert called Wilson…

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Padres Put an End to Streak, 1-0

In the eighth, Met third baseman Dave Magadan singled to left. [Winner Ed Whitson] struck out shortstop Bill Almon, then faced pinch-hitter Mookie Wilson, batting for Met starter and loser John Mitchell (0-1). Wilson hit a hard grounder to [Garry Templeton], who stepped on second and threw to first. First-base umpire Dutch Rennert called Wilson…

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